I received the call today! We have a COURT DATE!!!! We received an email last Thursday informing us that all of Baby E's file was at the court and that we should receive a court date within the next 3 weeks. I was shocked that the call came today! YEAH!!!!
Baby E's preliminary court date is set for November. This date the MOWA (Ministery of Women's Affairs) will represent baby E and present the case to the court. C and I will not be present at this court date.
Our court date is set also! We will fly into Addis Ababa. We will meet our baby girl the next day. Every day, except for the day we have court, we will be able to spend time with our baby E. Our final day in Ethiopia we will have to tell our baby E goodbye and board a plane without her. I am still having a difficult time thinking about this. How am I going to walk away from my baby and travel to the other side of the world? Just pray that God will give us strength through this.
The bible verse that immediately came to mind is Philippians 4:4-7: ".....and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ."
Please continue to pray that we will pass court the 1st time, baby E continue to be healthy, we will be able to bring here home very soon.
YEAH! I'm so excited for you! I will pray that the Lord strengthen you for the trip and that you will pass the first time.