It is estimated that there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia. Soon it will be 5 million minus ONE!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Last weekend my baby sister graduated from high school.  She was born my senior year of high school. I can't believe she is 18 and will be leaving for college this fall. I missed so much of her younger years due to college and just trying to figure out my direction in life, but I have loved having her so close the past few years. We live 15 minutes apart now. She is my kids FIRST choice when we are looking for a babysitter. We are ALL going to miss the graduate!

There was one other graduate in our family last week, my sweet little 5 year old. I must say I am so glad to have him home this summer. I don't know what I am going to do this fall when he is gone all day long at kindergarten. :(

 Here are the 100 cupcakes I made for my little sister's graduation party.
Little Miss and Mr. playing robots, yes, they designed the costumes while I made the 100 cupcakes.

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