It is estimated that there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia. Soon it will be 5 million minus ONE!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Circle of Mothers

Since our adoption has begun, I have met some absolutely amazing women. Some of the women I have met online, through our agency, and others because they are in the same process as us. What do we all have in common? We are all adoptive mothers.

I believe there is a bond between mothers of adopted children; it is just such an amazing journey to our children.

It has been so nice to chat with other mothers who can share in the excitement of the entire adoption process. Mothers who understand how absolutely exciting and emotional the adoption process can be. When one is pregnant, it seems as the pregnant mothers never run out of things to talk about. I believe the same is true with adoptive mothers. It has been absolutely wonderful sharing my story and listening to their stories. I have had many mothers come up to me with great big smiles and congratulate us on our upcoming adoption to later introduce themselves as adoptive parents. This process had allowed me to met so many amazing women that I would have never had an opportunity to met. I hope to keep in-touch with many of these women as our children grow. There will be many situations in the future that I am sure I will need help with, and I would love to bounce parenting ideas or strategies with them in the future.

Whether you are an adoptive mother I have met online, phone, or personally; I want to tell you thank you for sharing in our excitement to bring our baby home. THANK YOU. :)


  1. Looking forward to meeting you soon. We received some updated group pictures last night with our little boy in them. That made me even more excited to go play with him. The countdown is on. I just finished his little photo book.

  2. It really is an amazing thing, isn't it? When we started the process, I knew NO ONE who'd adopted from Ethiopia... Now, I am so thankful, too, for the support system of families my family has. It is truly a gift!

  3. I can't wait to have lunch with you when you get back form Ethiopia and hear all the stories!

    Carmen D.
